Reflection, part 2

Some time ago I was writing about the Reflection mechanism in .NET Framework.

This time I will show you a use case, where it’s better NOT TO USE the Reflection.


In the previous post about the Reflection I mentioned some doubt thoughts about using this mechanism and one of them has actually its justification.

So, when it’s better not to use Reflection and why?

Consider a method that accepts some objects and we want to access some property on these objects inside this method.

private void MyUniversalMethod(object obj)
    if (obj.GetType().GetProperty("MyPropertyName ") is System.Reflection.PropertyInfo myProperty) //Check if our object actually has the property we're interested in.
        var myPropertyValue = myProperty.GetValue(obj); //Get the property value on our object.
        myProperty.SetValue(obj, new object()); //Set the property value on our object.

Although, technically, there’s nothing wrong with this approach, it should be avoided in most cases, because it totally breaks the concept of strong typing.

How do we do it properly?

If we are in control over the classes we are using, we should always extract the property we want to access in such method to an interface.

interface IMyInterface
    object MyProperty { get; set; }

So our method will look a lot simpler and, what’s most important, the compiler upholds the code integrity so we don’t have to bother if the property doesn’t exist or is inaccessible on our object, because the interface forces the accessibility for us:

private void MyUniversalMethod(IMyInterface obj)
    var myPropertyValue = obj.MyProperty; //Get the property value on our object.
    obj.MyProperty = new object(); //Set the property value on our object.

But, what if we have no control over the classes?

There are scenarios where we have to use someone else’s code and we have to adapt our code to the already existing one. And, what’s worse, the property we are interested in is not defined in any interface but there are several classes that can contain such property.

But then, it is still recommended that we don’t use the Reflection in that case.

Instead of that, we should filter the objects that come to our method to specific types that actually contain the property we are interested in.

private void MyUniversalMethod(object obj)
    if (obj is TheirClass theirClass) //Check if our object is of type that has the property we're interested in. If so, assign it to a temporary variable.
        var theirPropertyValue = theirClass.TheirProperty; //Get the property value on our object.
        theirClass.TheirProperty = new object(); //Set the property value on our object.

There’s an inconvenience in the example above that we have to specify all the types that might contain the property we are interested in and handle them separately but this protects us from cases where in different classes a property of the same name is of a different type. Here we have the full control over what’s happening with strongly typed property.

Then, what is the Reflection good for?

Although I said it is not recommended in most cases, there are, however, cases where the Reflection approach would be the preferred way.

Consider a list containing names of objects represented by some classes.

We create a method that will retrieve the name for us to display:

private string GetName(object obj)
    var type = obj.GetType();
    return (type.GetProperty("Name") as System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)? //Try to get the "Name" property.
        .GetValue(obj)? //Try to get the "Name" property value from the object.
        .ToString() //Get the string representation of the value, if it's string it just returns its value.
        ?? type.Name; //If the tries above fail, get the type name.

The property “Name” is commonly used by many classes, though it’s very rarely defined in an interface. We can be also almost certain that it will be a string. We can then just look for this property by a Reflection and in case we didn’t find it use the type name. This approach is commonly used in Windows Forms PropertyGrid’s collection editors.

Use of dynamic keyword

At the point we are certain we don’t want to rely on strong typing, we can access the properties at runtime in an even simpler way, by using the dynamic keyword, which introduces the flexibility of duck typing.

private void MyUniversalMethod(dynamic obj)
    var theirPropertyValue = obj.TheirProperty; //Get the property value on our object.
    obj.TheirProperty = new object(); //Set the property value on our object.

This is very useful in cases where we don’t know the type of the object passed to the method at the design time. It is also required by some interop interfaces.

But be careful what you are passing to this method, because in case you try to access a member which doesn’t exist or is inaccessible you will get a RuntimeBinderException.

Note that all members you will try to access on a dynamic object are also dynamic and the IntelliSense is disabled for them – you’re on your own.

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