Information Discovery: Search-in-page

Sometimes the users know exactly what they are looking for, sometimes they are just looking to discover new areas. When it comes to information discovery, a plain, one dimensional result list is not the most suitable tool.

Worldwide you’ll find quite a few innovative solutions, some of them mentioned in Findwise’s blog earlier: Quintura and KartOO are two search engines that visualize the clusters of results and the relationships between them, as Clusty that let you discover related topics.  Other examples are projects like Zuula and Dogpile that aggregates results and let you know what you can find in Google, Yahoo, Live, Exalead etc from one single search box – hopefully helping you find new perspectives.

In a few days time Searchinpage, created by entrepreneurs in Sweden, will be available.
Searchinpage let you use any word in the result, mark it and use it as input for a new query. By enabling the users to search instantly, this will hopefully create other ways to explore and discover areas related to your initial query. Searchinpage will be available in a public version and as a special solution for enterprises and organizations with specific needs. The new player seems to have a lot of cards up their sleeves (including linguistic functionality and ideas similar to Zuula and Dogpile) – worth keeping an eye on.