The Right Information at the Right Time; or Control vs Openness

There is obviously a difference between what people want and do and what the organisations think and want to do.

I saw a good definition of what enterprise 2.0 is the other day. Meet Charlie is a good example of how web 2.0 tools can be used in the enterprise area. Because people do use them; these new tools have changed the way we communicate and collaborate. If your not an organization that is.

I think social media is here to stay. Things like flickr and youtube ultimately changed the way we deal with our photos and videos. Look at the competitive analysis valuecurve for flickr to see how it changed the business behind photo services. (Flickr is now also the second most popular photo site.) And social media isn’t just for kids. You can find booktips from the library in Norrköping at youtube, many professionals have profiles on LinkedIn, we subscribe to dozens of blogs and blog ourselves.

There is a lot of professional networking going on on the web. People of today have a need to share their thoughts and ideas. So there are a lot of Charlies out there. Howcome there are so few of his employers?

According to Gartner, today 80% of Business is conducted on unstructured information, which is about 85% of all data. And yet most of the development för IT is done for the rest of the information, the 15% that is structured and semi-structured. People go for openness and collaboration but organizations go for structure and control…