Choosing an Open Source search engine: Solr or Elasticsearch?

There has never been a better time to be a search and open source enthusiast than 2017. Far behind are the old days of information retrieval being a field only available for academia and experts.

Now we have plenty of search engines that allow us not only to search, but also navigate and discover our information. We are going to be focusing on two of the leading search engines that happed to be open source projects: Elasticsearch and Solr.

Comparison (Solr and Elasticsearch)

Organisations and Support

Solr is an Apache sub-project developed parallelly along Lucene. Thanks to this it has synchronized releases and benefits directly from any new Lucene feature.

Lucidworks (previously Lucid Imagination) is the main company supporting Solr. They provide development resources for Solr, commercial support, consulting services, technical training and commercial software around Solr. Lucidworks is based in San Francisco and offer their services in the USA and all rest of the world through strategic partners. Lucidworks have historically employed around a third of the most active Solr and Lucene committers, contributing most of the Solr code base and organizing the Lucene/Revolution conference every year.

Elasticsearch is an open-source product driven by the company Elastic (formerly known as Elasticsearch). This approach creates a good balance between the open-source community contributing to the product and the company making long term plans for future functionality as well as ensuring transparency and quality.

Elastic comprehends not only Elasticsearch but a set of open-source products called the Elastic stack: Elassticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, and Beats. The company offers support over the whole Elastic stack and a set of commercial products called X-Pack, all included, in different tiers of subscriptions. They offer trainings every second week around the world and organize the ElasticON user conferences.


Solr is an Apache project and by being so it benefits from a large variety of apache projects that can be used along with it. The first and foremost example is its Lucene core ( that is released on the same schedule and from which it receives all its main functionalities. The other main project is Zookeper that handles SolrCloud clusters configuration and distribution.

On the information gathering side there is Apache Nutch, a web crawler, and Flume , a distributed log collector.

When it comes to process information, there are no end to Apache projects, the most commonly used alongside Solr are Mahout for machine learning, Tika for document text and metadata extraction and Spark for data processing.

The big advantage lies in the big data management and storage, with the highly popular Hadoop  library as well as Hive, HBase, and Cassandra databases. Solr has support to store the index in a Hadoop Highly Distributed File System for high resilience.

Elasticsearch is owned by the Elastic company that drives and develops all the products on its ecosystem, which makes it very easy to use together.

The main open-source products of the Elastic stack along Elasticsearch are Beats, Logstash and Kibana. Beats is a modular platform to build different lightweight data collectors. Logstash is a data processing pipeline. Kibana is a visualization platform where you can build your own data visualization, but already has many build-in tools to create dashboards over your Elasticsearch data.

Elastic also develop a set of products that are available under subscription: X-Pack. Right now, X-Pack includes five producs: Security, Alerting, Monitoring, Reporting, and Graph. They all deliver a layer of functionality over the Elastic Stack that is described by its name. Most of them are included as a part of Elasticsearch and Kibana.



  • Many interfaces, many clients, many languages.
  • A query is as simple as solr/select?q=query.
  • Easy to preconfigure.
  • Base product will always be complete in functionality, commercial is an addon.


  • Everything can be done with a JSON HTTP request.
  • Optimized for time-based information.
  • Tightly coupled ecosystem.

Base product will contain the base and is expandable, commercial are additional features.

solr vs elasticsearch comparison open source search engine

Conclusion – Solr or Elasticsearch?

If you are already using one of them and do not explicitly need a feature exclusive of the other, there is no big incentive in making a migration.

In any case, as the common answer when it comes to hardware sizing recommendations for any of them: “It depends.” It depends on the amount of data, the expected growth, the type of data, the available software ecosystem around each, and mostly the features that your requirements and ambitions demand; just to name a few.


At Findwise we can help you make a Platform evaluation study to find the perfect match for your organization and your information.


Written by: Daniel Gómez Villanueva – Findability and Search Expert

Elastic{ON} 2017 – breaking all the records!

Elastic{ON} 2017 draws 2200 participants to Pier 48 during these somewhat chilly San Francisco days in March. It’s a 40% increase from the 1600 or so participants last year, in line with the growing interest for the Elastic Stack and the successes of Elastic commercially.

From Findwise – we are a team of 4 Findwizards, networking, learning and reporting.

Shay Banon, the creator of Elasticsearch and Elastic CTO, is doing both the opening and closing keynote. It is apparent that the transition of the CEO role from Steven Schuurman has already started.

ElasticON 2017

2016 in retrospective with the future in mind

Elastic reached 100 million downloads in 2016, and have managed to land approximately 4000 paying subscription customers out of this installed base to date. A lot of presentations during the conference is centered around new functionality that is developed and will be released to the open source community freely. Other functionality goes into the commercial X-pack subscriptions. Some X-pack functionality is available freely under the Basic subscription level that only requires registration.

Most presentations are centered around search powered analytics, and fewer around regular free text search. Elasticsearch and the Elastic Stack got its main use cases within logging, analytics and in various applications as a data platform or middle-layer with search use-cases as a strong sidekick.

A strong focus on analytics

There’s 22 sponsors at the event, and most of the companies are either offering cloud based monitoring or machine learning services. IBM, the platinum sponsor, are promoting the Bluemix cloud services for cognitive Watson functionality and uses the conference to reach out to the predominantly developer-focused audience.

Prelert was acquired in September last year, and is now being integrated into the Elastic Stack as the Machine Learning component and is used for unsupervised anomaly detection to give operation log insights. Together with the new modular Beats architecture and various Kibana improvements, it looks apparent that Elastic is chasing the huge market Splunk currently controls within logging and analytics.

Elasticsearch SQL – giving BI what it needs

Elasticsearch SQL will give the search engine SQL capability just like Solr got with their parallel SQL interface. Elasticsearch is becoming more and more a “data platform”. Increasingly becomming an competitor to HPE Vertica and Amazon RedShift as it hits a sweet spot use-case where a combination of faster data loading and extreme scalability is needed, and it is acceptable with the tradeoffs of limited functionality (such as the lack of JOIN operations). With SQL support the platform can use existing visualization tools such as Tableu and it expands the user base as many people in the Business Intelligence sector knows SQL by heart.

Fast and simple Beats is music to our ears

Beats will become modular in the next release, and more beats modules will be created either by Elastic or in the open source or commercial community. This increases simple connectivity to various data sources, and adds standardized dashboards for the data source, which will increase simplicity and speed in implementation.

Heartbeat is a new Beat (with a beautiful name!) that send pings to check that services are alive and functioning.

Kibana goes international

Kibana is maturing with some new key updates coming soon. A Time series visual builder that will give graphical guidance on how to build the dashboards, Kibana Canvas gives custom dynamic reports and enables slide show presentations with live data, and the GUI frontend is translated to various languages.

There’s a new tile service for maps, so instead of relying on external map services, Elastic now got control over the maps functionality. The service can be used free of charge but requires registration (Basic subscription) to use all 18 zoom levels.



To conclude, we’ve had three good days with exciting product news and lots of interesting meetings in what could very well be the biggest show for search and search-driven analytics right now! Be sure to see us at the next year’s Elastic{ON} again. If not before, see you then!


From San Francisco with love,

/Andreas, Christian, Joar and Peter

Elastic Stack 5.0 is released

At a first glance, the major Elasticsearch version bump might seem frightening. Going from version 2.4.x to 5.0 is a big jump, but there’s no need to worry. The main reason is to align versions between the different products in the stack. Having all products on the same version will make it a lot easier to handle future upgrades and simplify the overall experience for both new and existing users.

All products in the stack have been updated, some more than others. Here are a few highlights regarding Elasticsearch 5.0 that we recommend you to read before upgrading. Or schedule an appointment with us and we’ll help you out!

New relevance model

Elasticsearch prior version 5 used the default scoring algorithm TF/IDF. From now on the default algorithm is BM25.

Depending on the nature of your indexed information, a re-index operation might give you slightly different results and most likely more relevant.

Re-index from remote

This new feature of the Elasticsearch API is really useful when for example upgrading from old clusters. By specifying a remote cluster in the API call, you can easily transfer old documents to your newly created 5.0 cluster without going through a rolling node upgrade procedure.

Ingest Node

There’s a new node type in town. Starting from version 5.0, Elasticsearch gives you the possibility to do simple data manipulation within a running cluster prior indexing. This is useful if you prefer a more simplistic architecture without Logstash instances, but still require to do some alterations to your data.

Most core processors found in Logstash are available. Often used ones include:

  • Date Processor
  • Convert processor
  • Grok Processor
  • Rename Processor
  • JSON Processor

Search and Aggregations

The search API has been refactored to be more clever regarding which indices are hit, but also if aggregations need to be recalculated or not when issuing range queries. By looking at when indices were last modified, range aggregations can be cached and only recalculated if really needed. This improvement is really useful for the typical log analytic case with time series data. You will notice speed improvements in your Kibana dashboards.

New data structures

Lucence 6.0 introduces a new feature called dimensional points, which uses the k-d tree geo-spatial data structure to enable fast single- and multi-dimensional numeric range and geo-spatial point-in-shape filtering. Elasticsearch 5.0 implements a variant called block k-d tree specifically designed for efficient IO, which gives significant performance boosts when indexing as well as filtering.

Should I upgrade?

If your typical use case involves geo-spatial queries and filtering, we definitely recommend that you upgrade your cluster and re-index your documents to gain the performance boost. Due to the simplicity in upgrading or even migrating data to a completely new cluster, it will be worth the time getting your Elastic Stack up to date and ready for features to come.

In case you need help, don’t hesitate to contact us and we will guide you through the process.

Written by: Joar Svensson, Consultant Findwise

Under the hood of the search engine

While using a search application we rarely think about what happens inside it. We just type a query, sometime refine details with facets or additional filters and pick one of the returned results. Ideally, the most desired result is on the top of the list. The secret of returning appropriate results and figuring out which fits a query better than others is hidden in the scoring, ranking and similarity functions enclosed in relevancy models. These concepts are crucial for the search application user’s satisfaction.

In this post we will review basic components of the popular TF/IDF model with simple examples. Additionally, we will learn how to ask Elasticsearch for explanation of scoring for a specific document and query.

Document ranking is one of the fundamental problems in information retrieval, a discipline acting as a mathematical foundation of search. The ranking, which is literally assigning a rank to a document matching search query corresponds with a term of relevance. Document relevance is a function which determines how well given document meets the search query. A concept of similarity corresponds, in turn, to the relevance idea, since relevance is a metric of similarity between a candidate result document and a search query. Continue reading