Continuous crawl in SharePoint 2013

Continuous crawl is one of the new features that comes with SharePoint 2013. As an alternative to incremental crawl, it promises to improve the freshness of the search results. That is, the time between when an item is updated in SharePoint by a user and when it becomes available in search.

Understanding how this new functionality works is especially important for SharePoint implementations where content changes often and/or where it’s a requirement that the content should instantly be searchable. Nonetheless, since many of the new SharePoint 2013 functionalities depend on search (see the social features, the popular items, or the content by search web parts), understanding continuous crawl and planning accordingly can help level the user expectation with the technical capabilities of the search engine.

Both the incremental crawl and the continuous crawl look for items that were added, changed or deleted since the last successful crawl, and update the index accordingly. However, the continuous crawl overcomes the limitation of the incremental crawl, since multiple continuous crawls can run at the same time. Previously, an incremental crawl would start only after the previous incremental crawl had finished.

Limitation to content sources

Content not stored in SharePoint will not benefit from this new feature. Continuous crawls apply only to SharePoint sites, which means that if you are planning to index other content sources (such as File Shares or Exchange folders) your options are restricted to incremental and full crawl only.

Example scenario

The image below shows two situations. In the image on the left (Scenario 1), we are showing a scenario where incremental crawls are scheduled to start at each 15 minutes. In the image on the right (Scenario 2), we are showing a similar scenario where continuous crawls are scheduled at each 15 minutes. After around 7 minutes from starting the crawl, a user is updating a document. Let’s also assume that in this case passing through all the items to check for updates would take 44 minutes.

Continuous crawl SharePoint 2013

Incremental vs continuous crawl in SharePoint 2013

In Scenario 1, although incremental crawls are scheduled at each 15 minutes, a new incremental crawl cannot be started while there is a running incremental crawl. The next incremental crawl will only start after the current one is finished. This means 44 minutes for the first incremental crawl to finish in this scenario, after which the next incremental crawl kicks in and finds the updated document and send it to the search index. This scenario shows that it could take around 45 minutes from the time the document was updated until it is available in search.

In Scenario 2, a new continuous crawl will start at each 15 minutes, as multiple continuous crawls can run in parallel. The second continuous crawl will see the updated document and send it to the search index. By using the continuous crawl in this case, we have reduced the time it takes for a document to be available in search from around 45 minutes to 15 minutes.

Not enabled by default

Continuous crawls are not enabled by default and enabling them is done from the same place as for the incremental crawl, from the Central Administration, from Search Service Application, per content source. The interval in minutes at which a continuous crawl will start is set to a default of 15 minutes, but it can be changed through PowerShell to a minimum of 1 minute if required. Lowering the interval will however increase the load on the server. Another number to take into consideration is the maximum number of simultaneous requests, and this is a configuration that is done again from the Central Administration.

Continuous crawl in Office 365

Unlike in SharePoint 2013 Server, continuous crawls are enabled in SharePoint Online by default but are managed by Microsoft. For those used to the Central Administration from the on-premise SharePoint server, it might sound surprising that this is not available in SharePoint Online. Instead, there is a limited set of administrative features. Most of the search features can be managed from this administrative interface, though the ability to manage the crawling on content sources is missing.

The continuous crawl for Office 365 is limited in the lack of control and configuration. The crawl frequency cannot be modified, but Microsoft targets between 15 minutes and one hour between a change and its availability in the search results, though in some cases it can take hours.

Closer to real-time indexing

The continuous crawl in SharePoint 2013 overcomes previous limitations of the incremental crawl by closing the gap between the time when a document is updated and when this is visible in the search index.

A different concept in this area is the event driven indexing, which we will explain in our next blog post. Stay tuned!

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