Activate conference 2018

Opensource has won! Now, what about AI?

Grant Ingersoll is on stage at the opening of Activate18 explaining the reasoning behind changing the name.

The revolution is won, opensource won, search as a concept to reckon with, they all won.

The times I come across a new search project where someone is pushing anything but opensource search is few and far between these days.

Since Search has taken a turn towards AI, a merge with that topic seems reasonable, not to say obvious. But AI in this context should probably be interpreted as AI to support good search results. At least if judging from the talks I attended. Interesting steps forward is expert systems and similar, none which was extensively discussed as of my knowledge. A kind of system we work with at Findwise. For instance, using NLP, machine learning and text analytics to improve a customer service.

Among the more interesting talks I attended was Doug Turnbulls talk on Neural Search Frontier. Some of the matrix-math threw me back to a ANN-course I took 10 years ago. Way before I ever learned any matrix maths. Now, way post remembering any matrix math-course I ever took, it’s equally confusing, possibly on a bit higher level. But he pointed out interesting aspects and show conceptually how Word2Vec-vectors work and won’t work. Simon Hughes talk “Vectors in search – Towards more semantic matching” is in the same area but more towards actually using it.

Machine Learning is finally mainstream

If we have a look at the overall distribution of talks, I think it’s safe to say that almost all talks touched on machine learning in some way. Most commonly using Learning to Rank and Word2Vec. None of these are new techniques (Our own Mickaël Delaunay wrote a nice blog-post about how to use LTR for personalization a couple of years ago. They have been covered before to some extent but this time around we see some proper, big scale implementations that utilizes the techniques. Bloomberg gave a really interesting presentation on what their evolution from hand tuned relevance to LTR over millions of queries have been like. Even if many talks were held on a theoretical/demo-level it is now very clear. It’s fully possible and feasible to build actual, useful and ROI-reasonable Machine Learning into your solutions.

As Trey Grainer pointed out, there are different generations of this conference. A couple of years ago Hadoop were everywhere. Before that everything was Solr cloud. This year not one talk-description referenced the Apache elephant (but migration to cloud was still referenced, albeit not in the topic). Probably not because big data has grown out of fashion, even though that point was kind of made, but rather that we have other ways of handling and manage it these days.

Don’t forget: shit in > shit out!

And of course, there were the mandatory share of how-we-handle-our-massive-data-talks. Most prominently presented by Slack, all developers favourite tool. They did show a MapReduce offline indexing pipeline that not only enabled them to handle their 100 billion documents, but also gave them an environment which was quick on its feet and super suitable for testing new stuff and experimenting. Something an environment that size usually completely blocks due to re-indexing times, fear of bogging down your search-machines and just general sluggishness.

Among all these super interesting technical solutions to our problems, it’s really easy to forget that loads of time still have to be spent getting all that good data into our systems. Doing the groundwork, building connectors and optimizing data analysis. It doesn’t make for so good talks though. At Findwise we ususally do that using our i3-framework which enables you to ingest, process, index and query your unstructured data in a nice framework.activate 2018 solr lucid opensource

I now look forward to doing the not so ground work using inspiration from loads of interesting solutions here at Activate.

Thanks so much for this year!

The presentations from the conference are available on YouTube in Lucidworks playlist for Activate18.

Author and event participant: Johan Persson Tingström, Findability Expert at Findwise

XRANK in SharePoint Search REST API

I work with SharePoint Search from some time now. Since many clients need assistance on Search optimization KQL is one of my best mates. Especially XRANK is very powerful function that leverage KQL capabilities but also enlarge its complexity. Anyway I feel quite sure about what we can achieve using KQL and how. However last week a colleague of mine asked me about what is proper syntax of XRANK in REST search query…and I was like “emmm…”.

There are many not obvious questions – which characters need to be encoded? Is the syntax the same as in common KQL query?

I did quick documentation check as well as googling for an answer but there was no satisfying results at all (if there is no answer in Stack Overflow the web contains no answer).

So this post is about clarification for XRANK syntax in REST API calls.

Use Search Query Tool

The old sentence says “Do not break open doors”. That’s why I did not investigate topic by myself trying different REST queries to SP Search. Instead I used great great great tool called Search Query Tool. It really makes your work with search easier and faster. You can build any kind of KQL query in it and it will be translated to REST query because it uses it to communicate with SharePoint.

So for instance if you want to execute following KQL query

*  XRANK(cb=1) Position:Manager

Its REST equivalent will be:


As you can see syntax is the same as in common KQL query however ‘=’ character has been encoded to URI format in order to be properly understood by browser and endpoint and any spaces has been replaced by “+”.

Complex XRANK queries

Remember that in order to build you must remember about proper use of parenthesis. For instance if you want to make multiple XRANK boosts you need to arrange them in following way:

(SearchQuery XRANK(cb=1) condition1) XRANK(cb=1) condition2

In other words, if you want to add boosting for position AND for date freshness your KQL will look like below:

(* XRANK(cb=1) Position:Manager) XRANK(cb=0.5) LastModifiedTime>{Today-365}

and your REST query text will be like following:


which gives you following results:

  • results older than 30 days and for person that position does not contain “Manager” in its name will get 0 ranking points
  • results modified less than 30 days ago and for person that position does contain “Manager” in its name will get 0.5 ranking points
  • results older than 30 days and for person that position does contain “Manager” in its name will get 1 ranking points
  • results modified less than 30 days ago and for person that position does not contain “Manager” in its name will get 1.5 ranking points


Hope it helps you in using XRANK and KQL in REST API queries.


Thanks & have a great day!

Elastic{ON} 2017 – breaking all the records!

Elastic{ON} 2017 draws 2200 participants to Pier 48 during these somewhat chilly San Francisco days in March. It’s a 40% increase from the 1600 or so participants last year, in line with the growing interest for the Elastic Stack and the successes of Elastic commercially.

From Findwise – we are a team of 4 Findwizards, networking, learning and reporting.

Shay Banon, the creator of Elasticsearch and Elastic CTO, is doing both the opening and closing keynote. It is apparent that the transition of the CEO role from Steven Schuurman has already started.

ElasticON 2017

2016 in retrospective with the future in mind

Elastic reached 100 million downloads in 2016, and have managed to land approximately 4000 paying subscription customers out of this installed base to date. A lot of presentations during the conference is centered around new functionality that is developed and will be released to the open source community freely. Other functionality goes into the commercial X-pack subscriptions. Some X-pack functionality is available freely under the Basic subscription level that only requires registration.

Most presentations are centered around search powered analytics, and fewer around regular free text search. Elasticsearch and the Elastic Stack got its main use cases within logging, analytics and in various applications as a data platform or middle-layer with search use-cases as a strong sidekick.

A strong focus on analytics

There’s 22 sponsors at the event, and most of the companies are either offering cloud based monitoring or machine learning services. IBM, the platinum sponsor, are promoting the Bluemix cloud services for cognitive Watson functionality and uses the conference to reach out to the predominantly developer-focused audience.

Prelert was acquired in September last year, and is now being integrated into the Elastic Stack as the Machine Learning component and is used for unsupervised anomaly detection to give operation log insights. Together with the new modular Beats architecture and various Kibana improvements, it looks apparent that Elastic is chasing the huge market Splunk currently controls within logging and analytics.

Elasticsearch SQL – giving BI what it needs

Elasticsearch SQL will give the search engine SQL capability just like Solr got with their parallel SQL interface. Elasticsearch is becoming more and more a “data platform”. Increasingly becomming an competitor to HPE Vertica and Amazon RedShift as it hits a sweet spot use-case where a combination of faster data loading and extreme scalability is needed, and it is acceptable with the tradeoffs of limited functionality (such as the lack of JOIN operations). With SQL support the platform can use existing visualization tools such as Tableu and it expands the user base as many people in the Business Intelligence sector knows SQL by heart.

Fast and simple Beats is music to our ears

Beats will become modular in the next release, and more beats modules will be created either by Elastic or in the open source or commercial community. This increases simple connectivity to various data sources, and adds standardized dashboards for the data source, which will increase simplicity and speed in implementation.

Heartbeat is a new Beat (with a beautiful name!) that send pings to check that services are alive and functioning.

Kibana goes international

Kibana is maturing with some new key updates coming soon. A Time series visual builder that will give graphical guidance on how to build the dashboards, Kibana Canvas gives custom dynamic reports and enables slide show presentations with live data, and the GUI frontend is translated to various languages.

There’s a new tile service for maps, so instead of relying on external map services, Elastic now got control over the maps functionality. The service can be used free of charge but requires registration (Basic subscription) to use all 18 zoom levels.



To conclude, we’ve had three good days with exciting product news and lots of interesting meetings in what could very well be the biggest show for search and search-driven analytics right now! Be sure to see us at the next year’s Elastic{ON} again. If not before, see you then!


From San Francisco with love,

/Andreas, Christian, Joar and Peter

What will happen in the information sector in 2017?

As we look back at 2016, we can say that it has been an exciting and groundbreaking year that has changed how we handle information. Let’s look back at the major developments from 2016 and list key focus areas that will play an important role in 2017.

3 trends from 2016 that will lay basis for shaping the year 2017


There has been a massive shift towards cloud, not only using the cloud for hosting services but building on top of cloud-based services. This has affected all IT projects, especially the Enterprise Search market when Google decided to discontinue GSA and replace it with a cloud based Springboard. More official information on Springboard is still to be published in writing, but reach out to us if you are keen on hearing about the latest developments.

There are clear reasons why search is moving towards the cloud. Some of the main ones being machine learning and the amount of data. We have an astonishing amount of information available, and the cloud is simply the best way to handle this overflow. Development in the cloud is faster, the cloud gives practically unlimited processing power and the latest developments available in the cloud are at an affordable price.

Machine learning

One area that has taken huge steps forward has been machine learning. It is nowadays being used in everyday applications. Google wrote a very informative blog post about how they use Cloud machine learning in various scenarios. But Google is not alone in this space – today, everyone is doing machine learning. A very welcome development was the formation of Partnership on AI by Amazon, Google, Facebook, IBM and Microsoft.

We have seen how machine learning helps us in many areas. One good example is health care and IBM Watson managing to find a rare type of leukemia in 10 minutes. This type of expert assistance is becoming more common. While we know that it is still a long path to come before AI becomes smarter than human beings, we are taking leaps forward and this can be seen by DeepMind beating a human at the complex board game Go.

Internet of Things

Another important area is IoT. In 2016 most IoT projects have, in addition to consumer solutions, touched industry, creating a smart city, energy utilization or connected cars. Companies have realized that they nowadays can track any physical object to the benefits of being able to serve machines before they break, streamline or build better services or even create completely new business based on data knowledge. On the consumer side, we’ve in 2016 seen how IoT has become mainstream with unfortunate effect of poorly secured devices being used for massive attacks.


3 predictions for key developments happening in 2017

As we move towards the year 2017, we see that these trends from 2016 have positive effects on how information will be handled. We will have even more data and even more effective ways to use it. Here are three predictions for how we will see the information space evolve in 2017.

Insight engine

The collaboration with computers are changing. For decades, we have been giving tasks to computers and waited for their answer. This is slowly changing so that we start to collaborate with computers and even expect computers to take the initiative. The developments behind this is in machine learning and human language understanding. We no longer only index information and search it with free text. Nowadays, we can build a computer understanding information. This information includes everything from IoT data points to human created documents and data from other AI systems. This enables building an insight engine that can help us formulate the right question or even giving us insight based on information to a question we never ask. This will revolutionize how we handle our information how we interact with our user interfaces.

We will see virtual private assistants that users will be happy to use and train so that they can help us to use information like never before in our daily live. Google Now, in its current form, is merely the first step of something like this, being active towards bringing information to the user.

Search-driven analytics

The way we use and interact with data is changing. With collected information about pretty much anything, we have almost any information right at our fingertips and need effective ways to learn from this – in real time. In 2017, we will see a shift away from classic BI systems towards search-driven evolutions of this. We already have Kibana Dashboards with TimeLion and ThoughtSpot but these are only the first examples of how search is revolutionizing how we interact with data. Advanced analytics available for anyone within the organization, to get answers and predictions directly in graphs and diagrams, is what 2017 insights will be all about.

Conversational UIs

We have seen the rise of Chatbots in 2016. In 2017, this trend will also take on how we interact with enterprise systems. A smart conversational user interface builds on top of the same foundations as an enterprise search platform. It is highly personalized, contextually smart and builds its answers from information in various systems and information in many forms.

Imagine discussing future business focus areas with a machine that challenges us in our ideas and backs everything with data based facts. Imagine your enterprise search responding to your search with a question asking you to detail what you actually are achieving.


What are your thoughts on the future developement?

How do you see the 2017 change the way we interact with our information? Comment or reach out in other ways to discuss this further and have a Happy Year 2017!


Written by: Ivar Ekman

Query Completion with Apache Solr

There are plenty of names for this functionality: query completion, suggestions, auto-complete, auto-suggest, word completion, type ahead and maybe some more. Even if we may point slight differences between them (suggestions can base on your index documents or external input such users queries), from technical point of view it’s all about the same: to propose a query for the end user.

google-suggestearly Google Suggest from 2008. Source:


Suggester feature was started 8 years ago by Google, in 2008. Users got used to the query completion and nowadays it’s a common feature of all mature search engines, e-commerce platforms and even internal enterprise search solutions.

Suggestions help with navigating users through the web portal, allow to discover relevant content and recommend popular phrases (and thus search results). In the e-commerce area they are even more important because well implemented query completion is able to high up conversion rate and finally – increase sales revenue. Word completion never can lead to zero results, but this kind of mistake is made frequently.

And as many names describe this feature there are so many ways to build it. But still it’s not so trivial task to implement good working query completion. Software like Apache Solr doesn’t solve whole problem. Building auto-suggestions is also about data (what should we present to users), its quality (e.g. when we want to suggest other users’ queries), suggestions order (we got dozens matches, but we can show only 5; which are the most important?) or design (user experience or similar).

Going back to the technology. Query completion can be built in couple of ways with Apache Solr. You can use mechanisms like facets, terms, dedicated suggest component or just do a query (with e.g. dismax parser).

Take a look at Suggester. It’s very easy to run. You just need to configure searchComponent and requestHandler. Example:

<searchComponent name="suggester" class="solr.SuggestComponent">
  <lst name="suggester">
    <str name="name">suggester1</str>
    <str name="lookupImpl">FuzzyLookupFactory</str>
    <str name="dictionaryImpl">DocumentDictionaryFactory</str>
    <str name="field">title</str>
    <str name="weightField">popularity</str>
    <str name="suggestAnalyzerFieldType">text</str>
<requestHandler name="/suggest" class="solr.SearchHandler" startup="lazy">
  <lst name="defaults">
    <str name="suggest">true</str>
    <str name="suggest.count">10</str>
  <arr name="components">

SuggestComponent is a ready-to-use implementation, which is responsible for serving up suggestions based on commands and queries. It’s an efficient solution, i.e. because it works on structure separated from main index and it’s being kept in memory. There are some basic settings like field used for autocompleting or defining text analyzing chain. LookImpl defines how to match terms in index. There are about 10 algorithms with different purpose. Probably the most popular are:

  • AnalyzingLookupFactory (default, finds matches based on prefix)
  • FuzzyLookupFactory (finds matches with misspellings),
  • AnalyzingInfixLookupFactory (finds matches anywhere in the text),
  • BlendedInfixLookupFactory (combines matches based on prefix and infix lookup)

You need to choose the one which fulfill your requirements. The second important parameter is dictionaryImpl which represents how indexed suggestions are stored. And again, you can choose between couple of implementations, e.g. DocumentDictionaryFactory (stores terms, weights, and optional payload) or HighFrequencyDictionaryFactory (works when very common terms overwhelm others, you can set up proper threshold).

There are plenty of different settings you can use to customize your suggester. SuggestComponent is a good start and probably covers many cases, but like everything, there are some limitations like e.g. you can’t easily filter out results.

Example execution:


suggestions: [
  { term: "london" },
  { term: "londonderry" },
  { term: "londoño" },
  { term: "londoners" },
  { term: "londo" }

Another way to build a query completion is to use mechanisms like faceting, terms or highlighting.

The example of QC built on facets:


title_keyword: [
  "blonde bombshell", 2,
  "12-pounder long gun", 1,
  "18-pounder long gun", 1,
  "1957 liga española de baloncesto", 1,
  "1958 liga española de baloncesto", 1

Please notice that here we have used facet.contains method, so query matches also in the middle of phrase. It works on the basis of regular expression. Additionally, we have a count for every suggestion in Solr response.

TermsComponent (returns indexed terms and the number of documents which contain each term) and highlighting (originally, emphasize fragments of documents that match the user’s query) can be also used, what is presented below.

Terms example:

<searchComponent name="terms" class="solr.TermsComponent"/>
<requestHandler name="/terms" class="solr.SearchHandler" startup="lazy">
  <lst name="defaults">
    <bool name="terms">true</bool>
    <bool name="distrib">false</bool>
  <arr name="components">

title_general: [

Highlighting example:

http://localhost:8983/solr/index/select?q=title_ngram:lond &fl=title&hl=true&hl.fl=title&hl.simple.pre=&

title_ngram: [

You can also do auto-complete even with usual, full-text query. It has lots of advantages: Lucene scoring is working, you have filtering, boosts, matching through many fields and whole Lucene/Solr queries syntax. Take a look at this eDisMax example:


docs: [
  { title: "Londinium" },
  { title: "London" },
  { title: "Darling London" },
  { title: "London Canadians" },
  { title: "Poultry London" }

The secret is an analyzer chain whether you want to base on facets, query or SuggestComponent. Depending on what effect you want to achieve with your QC, you need to index data in a right way. Sometimes you may want to suggest single terms, another time – whole sentences or product names. If you want to suggest e.g. letter by letter you can use Edge N-Gram Filter. Example:

<fieldType name="text_ngram" class="solr.TextField">
  <analyzer type="index">
    <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
    <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
    <filter class="solr.EdgeNGramFilterFactory minGramSize="1" maxGramSize="50" />
  <analyzer type="query">
    <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
    <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>

N-Gram is a structure of n items (size depends on given range) from a given sequence of text. Example: term Findwise, minGramSize = 1 and maxGramSize = 10 will be indexed as:


With such indexed text you can easily achieve functionality where user is able to see changing suggestions after each letter.

Another case is an ability to complete word after word (like Google does). It isn’t trivial, but you can try with shingle structure. Shingles are similar to N-Gram, but it works on whole words. Example: Searching is really awesome, minShingleSize = 2 and minShingleSize = 3 will be indexed as:

Searching is
Searching is really
is really
is really awesome
really awesome

Example of Shingle Filter:

<fieldType name="text_shingle" class="solr.TextField">
  <analyzer type="index">
    <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
    <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
    <filter class="solr.ShingleFilterFactory" maxShingleSize="10" />
  <analyzer type="query">
    <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
    <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>

What if your users could use QC which supports synonyms? Then they could put e.g. abbreviation and find a full suggestion (NYC -> New York City, UEFA -> Union Of European Football Associations). It’s easy, just use Synonym Filter in your text field:

<fieldType name="text_synonym" class="solr.TextField">
  <analyzer type="index">
    <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
    <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
  <analyzer type="query">
    <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
    <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
    <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="false"/>

And then just do a query:


docs: [
  { title: "New York City" },
  { title: "New York New York" },
  { title: "Welcome to New York City" },
  { title: "City Club of New York" },
  { title: "New York" }

Another very similar example concerns language support and matching suggestions regardless of the terms’ form. It can be especially valuable for languages with  the rich grammar rules and declination. In the same way how SynonymsFilter is used, we can configure a stemmer / lemmatization filter e.g. for English (take a look here and remember to put language filter both for index and query time) and expand matching suggestions.

As you can see, there are many ways to run query completion, you need to adjust right mechanism and text analysis based on your own limitations and also on what you want to achieve.

There are also other topics connected with preparing type ahead solution. You need to consider performance issues, they are mostly centered on response time and memory consumption. How many requests will generate QC? You can assume that at least 3 times more than your regular search service. You can handle traffic growth by optimizing Solr caches, installing separated Solr instanced only for suggesting service. If you’ll create n-gram, shingles or similar structures, be aware that your index size will increase. Remember that if you decided to use facets or highlighting for some reason to provide suggester, this both mechanisms make your CPU heavy loaded.

In my opinion, the most challenging issue to resolve is choosing a data source for query completion mechanism. Should you suggest parts of your documents (like titles, keywords, authors)? Or use NLP algorithms to extract meaningful phrases from your content? Maybe parse search/application logs and use the most popular users queries? Be careful, filter out rubbish, normalize users input). I believe the answer is YES – to all. Suggestions should be diversified (to lead your users to a wide range of search resources) and should come from variety of sources. More than likely, you will need to do a hard job when processing documents – remember that data cleaning is crucial.

Similarly, you need to take into account different strategies when we talk about the order of proposed suggestions. It’s good to show them in alphanumeric order (still respect scoring!), but you can’t stop here. Specificity of QC is that application can return hundreds of matches, but you can present only 5 or 10 of them. That’s why you need to promote suggestions with the highest occurrence in index or the most popular among the users. Further enhancements can involve personalizing query completion, using geographical coordinates or implementing security trimming (you can see only these suggestions you are allowed to).

I’m sure that this blog post doesn’t exhaust the subject of building query completion, but I hope I brought this topic closer and showed the complexity of such a task. There are many different dimension which you need to handle, like data source of your suggestions, choosing right indexing structure, performance issues, ranking or even UX and designing (how would you like to present hints – simple text or with some graphics/images? Would you like to divide suggestions into categories? Do you always want to show result page after clicked suggestion or maybe redirect to particular landing page?).

Search engine like Apache Solr is a tool, but you still need an application with whole business logic above it. Do you want to have a prefix-match and infix-match? To support typos and synonyms? To suggest letter after the letter or word by word? To implement security requirements or advanced ranking to propose the best tips for your users? These and even more questions need to be think over to deliver successful query completion.

Under the hood of the search engine

While using a search application we rarely think about what happens inside it. We just type a query, sometime refine details with facets or additional filters and pick one of the returned results. Ideally, the most desired result is on the top of the list. The secret of returning appropriate results and figuring out which fits a query better than others is hidden in the scoring, ranking and similarity functions enclosed in relevancy models. These concepts are crucial for the search application user’s satisfaction.

In this post we will review basic components of the popular TF/IDF model with simple examples. Additionally, we will learn how to ask Elasticsearch for explanation of scoring for a specific document and query.

Document ranking is one of the fundamental problems in information retrieval, a discipline acting as a mathematical foundation of search. The ranking, which is literally assigning a rank to a document matching search query corresponds with a term of relevance. Document relevance is a function which determines how well given document meets the search query. A concept of similarity corresponds, in turn, to the relevance idea, since relevance is a metric of similarity between a candidate result document and a search query. Continue reading

What’s new in Apache Solr 6?

Apache Solr 6 has been released recently! You need to remember about some important technical news: no more support for reading Lucene/Solr 4.x index or Java 8 is required. But what I think, the most interesting part is connected with its new features, which certainly follow world trends. I mean here: SQL engine at the top of the Solr, graph search and replicating data across different data centers.

Apache Solr

One of the most promising topic among the new features is Parallel SQL Interface. In a brief, it is possibility to run SQL queries on the top of the Solr Cloud (only Cloud mode right now). It can be very interesting to combine full-text capabilities with well-known SQL statements.
Solr uses Presto internally, which is a SQL query engine and works with various types of data stores. Presto is responsible for translating SQL statements to the Streaming Expression, since Solr SQL engine in based on the Streaming API.
Thanks to that, SQL queries can be executed at worker nodes in parallel. There are two implementations of grouping results (aggregations). First one is based on map reduce algorithm and the second one uses Solr facets. The basic difference is a number of fields used in grouping clause. Facet API can be used for better performance, but only when GROUP BY isn’t complex. If it is, better try aggregationMode=map_reduce.
From developer perspective it’s really transparent. Simple statement like “SELECT field1 FROM collection1” is translated to proper fields and collection. Right now clauses like WHERE, ORDER BY, LIMIT, DISTINCT, GROUP BY can be used.
Solr still doesn’t support whole SQL language, but even though it’s a powerful feature. First of all, it can make beginners life easier, since relational world is commonly known. What is more, I imagine this can be useful during some IT system migrations or collecting data from Solr for further analysis. I hope to hear many different study cases in the near future.

Apache Solr 6 introduces also a topic, which is crucial, wherever a search engine is a business critical system. I mean cross data center replication (CDCR).
Since Solr Cloud has been created to support near real-time (NRT) searching, it didn’t work well when cluster nodes were distributed across different data centers. It’s because of the communication overhead generated by the leaders, replicas and synchronizations operation.

New idea is in experimental phase and still under developing, but for now we have an active-passive mode, where data is pushed from the Source DC to the Target DC. Documents can be sent in a real-time or according to the schedule. Every leader from active cluster sends asynchronously updates to the proper leader in passive cluster. After that, target leaders replicate changes to their replicas as usual.
CDCR is crucial when we think about distributed systems working in high-availability mode. It always refers to disaster recovery, scaling or avoiding single points of failure (SPOF). Please visit documentation page to find some details and plans for the future:

What if your business works in highly connected environment, where data relationships matter, but you still benefit from full-text searching? Solr 6 has a good news – it’s a graph traversal functionality.
A lot of enterprises know that focusing on relations between documents and graph data modeling is a future. Now you can build Solr queries which will allow you to discover information organized in nodes and edges. You can explore your collections in terms of data interactions and connections between particular data elements. We can think about the use cases from semantic search area (query augmentation, using ontologies etc.) or more prosaic, like organization security roles or access control.
Graph traversal query is still in progress, but we can use it from now and its basic syntax is really simple: fq={!graph from=parent_id to=id}id:”DOCUMENT_ID”

The last Solr 6 improvement, which I’m going to mention about is a new scoring algorithm – BM25. In fact, it’s a change forced by Apache Lucene 6. BM25 is now a default similarity implementation. Similarity is a process which examines which documents are similar to the query and to what extent. There are many different factors which determine document score. There are e.g.: number of search terms found in document, popularity of this search terms over the whole collection or document length. This is where BM25 improves scoring: it takes into consideration average length of the documents (fields) across the entire corpus. It also limits better an impact of terms frequency on results ranking.

As we can see, Apache Solr 6 provides us with many new features and those mentioned above are not all of them. We’re going to write more about the new functionalities soon. Until then, we encourage you to try the newest Solr on your own and remember: don’t hesitate to contact us in case of any problems!

Generational renewal at work – a search challenge

The big generational shift

There have been discussions surrounding the great generational renewal in the workplace for a while. The 50’s generation, who have spent a large part of their working lives within the same company, are being replaced by an agile bunch born in the 90’s. We are not taken by tabloid claims that this new generation does not want to work, or that companies do not know how to attract them. What we are concerned with is that businesses are not adapting fast enough to the way the new generation handle information to enable the transfer of knowledge within the organisation.

Working for the same employer for decades

Think about it for a while, for how long have the 50’s generation been allowed to learn everything they know? We see it all the time, large groups of employees ready to retire, after spending their whole working lives within the same organisation. They began their careers as teenagers working on the factory floor or in a similar role, step by step growing within the company, together with the company. These employees have tended to carry a deep understanding of how their organisation work and after years of training, they possess a great deal of knowledge and experience. How many companies nowadays are willing to offer the 90’s workers the same kind of journey? Or should they even?

2016 – It’s all about constant accessibility

The world is different today, than 50 years ago. A number of key factors are shaping the change in knowledge-intense professions:

  • Information overload – we produce more and more information. Thanks to the Internet and the World Wide Web, the amount of information available is greater than ever.
  • Education has changed. Employees of the 50’s grew up during a time when education was about learning facts by rote. The schools of today focus more on teaching how to learn through experience, to find information and how to assess its reliability.
  • Ownership is less important. We used to think it was important to own music albums, have them in our collection for display. Nowadays it’s all about accessibility, to be able to stream Spotify, Netflix or an online game or e-book on demand. Similarly we can see the increasing trend of leasing cars over owning them. Younger generations take these services and the accessibility they offer for granted and they treat information the same way, of course. Why wouldn’t they? It is no longer a competitive advantage to know something by heart, since that information is soon outdated. A smarter approach of course is to be able to access the latest information. Knowing how to search for information – when you need it.

Factors supporting the need for organising the free flow of the right information:

  • Employees don’t stay as long as they used to in the same workplace anymore, which for example, requires a more efficient on boarding process. It’s no longer feasible to invest the same amount of time and effort on training one individual since he/she might be changing workplace soon enough anyway.
  • It is much debated whether it is possible to transfer knowledge or not. Current information on the other hand is relatively easy to make available to others.
  • Access to information does not automatically mean that the quality of information is high and the benefits great.

Organisations lack the right tools

Knowing a lot of facts and knowledge about a gradually evolving industry was once a competitive advantage. Companies and organisations have naturally built their entire IT infrastructure around this way of working. A lot of IT applications used today were built for a previous generation with another way of working and thinking. Today most challenges involve knowing where and how to find information. This is something we experience in our daily work with clients. Organisations more or less lack the necessary tools to support the needs of the newer generation in their daily work.

To summarize the challenge: organisations need to be able to supply their new workforce with the right tools to constantly find (and also manipulate) the latest and best information required for them to shine.

Success depends on finding the right information

In order for the new generation to succeed, companies must regularly review how information is handled plus the tools supporting information-heavy work tasks.

New employees need to be able to access the information and knowledge left by retiring employees, while creating and finding new content and information in such a way that information realises its true value as an asset.

Efficiency, automation… And Information Management!

There are several ways of improving efficiency, the first step is often to investigate if parts, or perhaps the entire creating and finding process can be automated. Secondly, attack the information challenges.

When we get a grip of the information we are to handle, it’s time to look into the supporting IT systems. How are employees supposed to find what they are looking for? How do they want to?

We have gotten used to find answers by searching online. This is in the DNA of the 90’s employee. By investing in a great search platform and developing processes to ensure high information quality within the organisation, we are certain the organisation will not only manage the generational renewal but excel in continuously developing new information centric services.

Written by: Maria “Ia” Björk & Joar Svensson

How it all began: a brief history of Intranet Search

In accordance to sources, the birth of the intranet fell on a 1994 – 1996, that was true prehistory from an IT systems point of view. Intranet history is bound up with the development of Internet – the global network. The idea of WWW, proposed in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee and others, which aim was to enable the connection and access to many various sources, became the prototype for the first internal networks. The goal of intranet invention was to increase employees productivity through the easier access to documents, their faster circulation and more effective communication. Although, access to information was always a crucial matter, in fact, intranet offered lots more functionalities, i.e.: e-mail, group work support, audio-video communication, texts or personal data searching.

Overload of information

Over the course of the years, the content placed on WWW servers had becoming more important than other intranet components. First, managing of more and more complicated software and required hardware led to development of new specializations. Second, paradoxically the easiness of information printing became a source of serious problems. There was too much information, documents were partly outdated, duplicated, without homogeneous structure or hierarchy. Difficulties in content management and lack of people responsible for this process led to situation, when final user was not able to reach desired piece of information or this had been requiring too much effort.

Google to the rescue

As early as in 1998 the Gartner company made a document which described this state of Internet as a “Wild West”. In case of Internet, this problem was being solved by Yahoo or Google, which became a global leader on information searching. In internal networks it had to be improved by rules of information publishing and by CMS and Enterprise Search software. In many organizations the struggle for easier access to information is still actual, in the others – it has just began.


And the Search approached

It was search engine which impacted the most on intranet perception. From one side, search engine is directly responsible for realization of basic assumptions of knowledge management in the company. From the other, it is the main source of complaints and frustration among internal networks users. There are many reasons of this status quo: wrong or unreadable searching results, lack of documents, security problems and poor access to some resources. What are the consequences of such situation? First and foremost, they can be observed in high work costs (duplication of tasks, diminution in quality, waste of time, less efficient cooperation) as well as in lost chances for business. It must not be forgotten that search engine problems often overshadow using of intranet as a whole.

How to measure efficiency?

In 2002 Nielsen Norman Group consultants estimated that productivity difference between employees using the best and the worst corporate network is about 43%. On the other hand, annual report of Enterprise Search and Findability Survey shows that in situation, when almost 60% of companies underline the high importance of information searching for their business, nearly as 45% of employees have problem with finding the information.
Leaving aside comfort and level of employees satisfaction, the natural effect of implementation and improvement of Enterprise Search solutions is financial benefit. Contrary to popular belief, investments profits and savings from reaching the information faster are completely countable. Preparing such calculations is not pretty easy. The first step is: to estimate time, which is spent by employees on searching for information, to calculate what percentage of quests end in a fiasco and how long does it take to perform a task without necessary materials. It should be pointed out that findings of such companies as IDC or AIIM shows that office workers set aside at least 15-35% of their working hours for searching necessary information.
Problems with searching are rarely connected with technical issues. Search engines, currently present on our market, are mature products, regardless of technologies type (commercial/open-source). Usually, it is always a matter of default installation and leaving the system in untouched state just after taking it “out of the box”. Each search engine is different because it deals with various documents collections. Another thing is that users expectations and business requirements are changing continually. In conclusion, ensuring good quality searching is an unremitting process.

Knowledge workers main tool?

Intranet has become a comprehensive tool used for companies goals accomplishment. It supports employees commitment and effectiveness, internal communication and knowledge sharing. However, its main task is to find information, which is often hide in stack of documents or dispersed among various data sources. Equipped with search engine, intranet has become invaluable working tool practically in all sectors, especially in specific departments as customer service or administration.

So, how is your company’s access to information?

This text makes an introduction to series of articles dedicated to intranet searching. Subsequent articles are intended to deal with: search engine function in organization, benefit from using Enterprise Search, requirements of searching information system, the most frequent errors and obstacles of implementations and systems architecture.

Using search technologies to create apps that even leaves Apple impressed

At Findwise we love to see how we can use the power of search technologies in ways that goes beyond the typical search box application.

One thing that has exploded the last few years is of course apps in smartphones and tablets. It’s no longer enough to store your knowledge in databases that are kept behind locked doors. Professionals of today want to have instant access to knowledge and information right where they are. Whether if it’s working at the factory floor or when showcasing new products for customers.

When you think of enterprise search today, you should consider it as a central hub of knowledge rather than just a classical search page on the intranet. Because when an enterprise search solution is in place, when information from different places have been normalized and indexed in one place, then there really are no limits for what you can do with the information.

By building this central hub of knowledge it’s simple to make that knowledge available for other applications and services within or outside of the organization. Smartphone and tablet applications is one great example.

Integrating mobile apps with search engine technologies works really well because of four reasons:

  • It’s fast. Search engines can find the right information using advanced queries or filtering options in a very short time, almost regardless of how big the index is.
  • It’s lightweight. The information handled by the device should only be what is needed by the device, no more, no less.
  • It’s easy to work with. Most search engine technologies provides a simple REST interface that’s easy to integrate with.
  • A unified interface for any content. If the content already is indexed by the enterprise search solution, then you use the same interface to access any kind of information.

We are working together with a large Swedish manufacturing company. A company that has transformed itself from a traditional industry company into a knowledge engineering company over the last years. I think it’s safe to say that Findwise have been a big part of that journey by helping them create their enterprise search solution.

And of course, since we love new challenges, we have also helped them create a few mobile apps. In particular there are two different apps that we have helped out with:

  • A portable product brochures archive. The main use case is quick and easy access to product information for sales reps when visiting customers.
  • A mobile web app that you get to if you scan QR-codes printed on the package.

And even more recently the tech giant Apple has noticed how the apps makes the day to day work of employees easier.